Stay Plugged In!
Attend a ministry, a class, or our events! View our Calendar for upcoming events and classes. Scroll down to see more about our main ministries at MRAC. Feel free to contact us, and we’ll be happy to have a chat with you!
Connect Card
We want to meet and know you! Fill in our Digital Connect Card so that we can start to get to know each other. Be a part of our church family!
Church Center
We use Church Center for our online signups and event registrations as well as for our church directory!
Not in the church directory? Contact the church office about it!
Church Membership
Are you ready to learn more about what it means to be a Member here at MRAC? Sign up now, and we will contact you with a date once the next class is scheduled.

Youth & Kids

What’s happening @ MRAC?
See our calendar & events to get the latest scoop of everything that’s happening at the church! We want you to join us!
Baptism (for Kids & Adults)
If you are interested in Baptism or are wanting to learn all about what Baptism means, sign up for the next Baptism Class. We will contact you with a date once the next class is scheduled.
A separate class can also be held for kids who want to learn more about what Baptism means and are interested in Baptism. Adults are asked to come with their children to this class if possible. We will contact you with a date once the next class is scheduled.
Child Dedication
If you are interested in having your child dedicated at MRAC, fill out the form and one of our Pastors will get in touch with you. At MRAC, we don’t perform child/infant baptisms. Child Dedication simply declares our intent to raise our Children in a Godly way, teaching them about Jesus and receiving the support of the Church Family.