Where are you on the Disciple’s Path?
WHO & WHAT: Disciples Path replaces what was formally called “Next Steps”. We'll explore what it means to be a disciple of Jesus. Level 1 covers the first things you need to know about this new life you have begun. Level 2 is for those already walking in relationship with Jesus. You may join us on the Path at any point in your journey - any given level is not required before joining another.
If you are a new believer, or someone who has followed Christ for some time but would like to be more grounded in the first steps and foundations of a life with Christ, we invite you to participate in Disciple’s Path: The Beginning and The Way (called here for simplicity: 'Level 1').
If you have been walking this path and you're growing in Christ, then you may start in at 'Level 2': The Call and The Truth. *Level 1 is not a pre-requisite; seasoned Christians may step onto the path at this point.
If you are not sure where you 'fit', just ask us! More information on these materials can be found at lifeway.com/disciplespath
WHEN: Sessions run on Monday nights, but you need to register first. A free dinner is included beforehand, at 6:15pm; classes conclude by around 8:30pm.
WHERE: Starting in the Activity Center of Maple Ridge Alliance Church (20399 Dewdney Trunk Road). Class groups will then breakout into different locations in the church.