Our Team
Ministry Staff
Dr. Tom Blackaby
Lead Pastor
Steve Schneider
Executive Pastor
Kyle Veer
Associate Pastor
Cayley Wilson
Children & Family Minister
Austin Dias
Youth Pastor
Support Staff
Deborah Dodds
Admin Assistant
Cindy Duyvestyn
Office Assistant
Josiah Lee
Tech Assistant
Courtney Hart
Children’s Ministry Assistant
Deanna Wallbank
Ron Charbonneau
Rita Charbonneau
Elders Board
Blair Kuzyk
Todd Mitchell
Vice Chair
Martin Jacobs
Brad Wallbank
Martin Duyvestyn
Mark Bogdanovich
Tim Hough
Tom Blackaby
Lead Pastor
Contact info for individual staff members is not available on the website. To contact a staff member, contact the church office and we would be happy to connect you.
The Elders Board can be contacted directly and confidentially at elders@mralliance.ca. This email address is monitored only by MRAC Elders.